I offer an English polishing service for Italian art galleries and museums

I am a seasoned English language editor, professional journalist, published writer and have an eye for detail, with extensive proofreading experience.

The standard of English on Italian signage in museum and gallery exhibitions is appallingly inaccurate given the international audiences and standards such institutions aspire to achieve. Whilst translations may be adequate to good, the level of occasional inaccuracy of English is obvious.

One example is “Made of Italy” as a sign over a display of Italian design. Of course, the sign was supposed to read: “Made in Italy.”

I have wandered around exhibitions aghast at how many small and large errors are incorporated into expensive signage. I offer a service of final check with a 100% guarantee (or your money back) that all text submitted to me to verify as accurate English will be without error of an obvious kind to the public eye.

Get it right!

  • Exhibiting with precision...

    Accuracy of description and language matter.

  • A bronze age necklace needs precise English description for an international audience

    What is this?

    Is this a necklice or a necklace? Is this “made in the century 4th” or made in the 4th century?